Christmas is coming.... what i'm going to spend with my christmas money....

It's D-6 to Christmas... And santa claus going to bless me with bonus money.

I'm going to spend my money on these stuff:

1. Doraemon Helmet

Will cost me about:Rp.150.000 -180.000 it depends on the place where i'm gonna buy..

2. Running Shoes

i want this shoes, but i'll find running shoes that have price range between 400k-600k Rupiah, so if this shoes over that price range, i can't buy that..

3. Paint My Scooter....
I think this is the most expensive because i want my scooter looks like a new one again.. and i'm going take off the "vario" sticker and just left the honda sticker...
will cost me: Over 500k rupiah!!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


Anonymous said...

lo bakal pake duit lo buat semuanya per? waw. btw gw pengen sneakers nih tiba2, but i have no money :(

Unknown said...

yang paling berat ngecat motor.. minggu sepatu uda dapat, senin helm dapet... sneakers buat apa? olahraga?

Unknown said...

Numbah 1 Check!, Number 2 Check!

i still wait for money to do the third!!