3 Great Websites You Should Visit

   Hallo, it's been a long time since the last time i wrote in this blog. So how am i? i'm officially unemployed and waiting for my graduation this month. I haven't using pc and laptop properly until yesterday, already finished with cleaning my hard disk and uninstalled program that i don't need anymore. Why i stated officially unemployed before? i finished my study with passed the paper exam about 3 months ago.

Okay so what am i currently doing right now? just fooling around and hit the gym!! no significant result yet! but i'm feeling fitter and stronger than before, too bad for the last two weeks i destroyed my diet and my sleeping time.

enough about myself, in this post i would like to tell about 3 websites i love to visit often:

the first one is The Art of Manliness http://www.artofmanliness.com
      this is a very manly blog if not the manliest website ever, the writer Brett McKay felt that nowadays information are going downhill, just more and more articles about sex and getting a six pack without any manliness value and custom. So he decided to start a blog about it and call the blog The Art of Manliness. 
      In this blog you will find many articles about manliness, from the practical one like how to dress to the values that men should have. I love this website because i can get information that i need in the manliest way! no sissypants articles like in the men magazine today.

The Second is Nerd Fitness  http://www.nerdfitness.com
   before i hit the gym now, i used to be a member in another corporate fitness and it a waste of  money because i don't understand what should i do when i arrived in the gym. And suddenly i found Nerd Fitness, Health and Exercises website for nerd like me. Fitness for nerd? that's weird!! the owner of the site steve kamb is a nerd and he thinks that nerd should exercise so they can achieve healthy life. He writes the articles with many pop culture reference and nerdy stuff so a nerd like me can enjoy the article. When i started to hit the gym again i used this website as a base for my information. and Now i know what i must do when i exercise.

The Last One is Zen Pencils http://www.zenpencils.com
   when i was working on my paper and stayed up all night, i got depressed because i felt my paper won't get any better at the time and that was the moment i found the zen pencils, the best motivational website ever. Great People always have great quotes based on their experience and other people can get motivated with it. So it just a website with great words on it? no it got more that just a word. Gavin Aung Than is an illustrator and the owner of the website, he is not only put words on it but he also draw comic and illustration that suits the quotes. so you can read great comic and illustration with great quotes on it. Zen pencils updated every tuesday and thursday. I'm always check the site for the update!!

okay you can click on the link to visit the website, 

i will post something new later!! Cheers!!
-Toper Kemur-


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.